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How to make everyday meditation easy

Sharon Cole

Even with busy lives, everyone can incorporate meditation into their daily lives. This mental exercise is simpler than you think and good for your brain. All you need to do is develop a habit and make sure it sticks. While we cannot go outside at the minute, we can use this time to go inside to find our inner calm in this mad world.

Here are my top 5 tips to show you how easy it can be.

1. Get comfortable.

Meditating isn't an exercise in feeling uncomfortable. It's a place of rest, stillness, and comfort. Sitting cross-legged in lotus with a straight back and poised mudra fingers doesn't spell comfortable to beginners. It spells pins and needles, sore bum, and an achy back.

The idea is to find a safe, comfortable place where you can feel relaxed. What comfy looks like to you might be totally different. It may be sitting in a comfy armchair, relaxing on a sun lounger in the garden, or lying on a picnic blanket on the lawn.

Try taking off your shoes if you can, and just be aware that lying down makes it more likely that you'll fall asleep. Remember it's okay if you fall asleep the first few times. Your brain gets a break when you're sleeping, too.

2. Use Nature

Nature is the perfect inspiration for your meditation practice. If you can sit outside, great, but it can be as simple as positioning yourself near an open window and taking in the sounds of nature. These sounds might be the wind in the trees and the birds singing, or might even be the sound of children playing and laughing. All of these sounds can help with relaxation by soothing the senses and calming the mind.

3. Check your emotions

To help combat everyday stress, a good place to start is with how we are feeling. Your feelings are your bodies way of sending you messages, especially about your mental wellbeing. If you think you are extra stressed, then you may want to alter the type of meditation you do each day. When the mind is racing, you will struggle to focus more, so be kinder and more patient with yourself.

4. Keep it short.

Your first few meditations should be no more than five or ten minutes. Until you learn how to stop obsessing and just relax, you won't be able to concentrate for very long. Be patient with yourself and see what flows rather than trying to force yourself into such a preconceived idea of what you should be doing. Have fun and experiment to see what works best for you. Even if you start with a minute at a time, it's a start. We are no longer used to sitting with our thoughts and feelings, so your brain is slowly learning that it's okay to quit thinking for a few minutes and just be calm and quiet.

5. Use the alarm clock

If counting 100 breaths isn't for you, or you are worried about falling asleep, setting a timer for five minutes could be a better option. You can relax until the timer goes off, knowing you don't have to worry about how long it's been, or how much longer you should meditate for.

If you want to learn more about meditation, then my meditation Masterclass (a workshop for beginners) is now available to purchase online in the member's area.

If you are curious about meditation and its ability to relax the mind and body, but have always thought it was too complicated.

If you feel you don't have the time. Maybe you’re stressed about not using your time wisely, or you feel too busy (with kids, work, the new normal) to even contemplate sitting still for a meditation.

Or if you are overwhelmed with all the information out there, and don't know where to start. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about this for a while, but never sit and try it for yourself.

The Masterclass will provide you with the basic concepts, getting started tips, guided meditations, and a helpful 21 days habit guide to help you de-stress, regain wellness and balance.

Discover more here

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