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Wear the healing properties of Lava stone and personalise with your favourite essential oils.


  • Emotional - Lava Stone is formed in the Earth's fiery core, and is known for its grounding qualities, it's great for calming emotions, but contains intense energy. It is considered a perfect stone for rebirth, shedding those layers of unwanted emotional attachment


  • Spiritual - With its strong connection to the Earth, he stabilising and grounding base of the stone is good for grounding the base or root chakra (the 'foundation' that supports the rest of you).


As Lava stone is porous, it acts as a wonderful diffuser. Add 1-2 drops of your favourite essential oil to help with anxiety, stress, energy, focus, colds, weight management, positivity and so much more.


Personalise your bracelet with an essential oil blend now available to purchase.

Healing energy Lava stone Bracelet

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